
How to Identify Asbestos at Home?

Dealing with asbestos can be a tricky subject. Found in old buildings, asbestos is a hidden killer that can severely harm your health. 

Asbestos may get released by itself when asbestos-containing materials get disturbed. And this often happens when a building gets old. Asbestos starts spreading into the air mainly when cement starts crumbling apart from the wall or paint starts getting chipped. Living in such conditions can be dangerous.

And we don’t want you to put yourself in a dangerous situation, hence this article. The article helps you how to identify asbestos in your home. But before you start looking for it, you should know what asbestos is and how it can impact your health. 

What is asbestos?

Asbestos is a group of silicate minerals found in nature. It is a naturally occurring thin microscopic fiber. There are mainly six types of asbestos minerals: actinolite, amosite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite, and tremolite. 

Asbestos can be used as an insulator as it provides resistance against heat and chemicals, is a good shield against fire, works as fireproofing, and offers strength. And this is why asbestos is widely used in construction materials.

How asbestos can harm your health?

Asbestos fibers can get released from various scrap and demolition materials, such as cement, tiles, wall color, plastic, and even metal pipes. It can enter your respiratory system through breathing, and that is where it gets problematic.

Many researchers established that asbestos is a harmful substance that can cause severe respiratory-related problems. Its microscopic fiber, when breathed in, can cause lung cancer. And the symptoms of asbestos-related issues may take years or decades to show up.

As you don’t find prompt symptoms of asbestos, you may keep continuing breathing this toxic substance in your house or workplace for a longer run, which may further enhance the severity of asbestos-related respiratory diseases. 

How can you identify asbestos?

You can’t tell if something contains asbestos or not, and that is why you should treat every scrapped material as if it has asbestos. However, there are general indicators from which you can identify if your home is exposed to asbestos or not. 

  • Check if your wall paint is chipped anywhere in your home.
  • Check for a crumbled wall exposing the cement layer.
  • Check if tiles are broken or coming out from the floor or bathroom wall
  • Check your insulators are intact and in good condition
  • Check if your fireproofing material is not scratched or damaged

If you find any of the above-listed things damaged or worn out, there might be a high chance of asbestos exposure in your home. You should call a professional residential and commercial demolition service provider in such circumstances.

A professional conducts a thorough analysis of asbestos contamination and offers you an effective solution. If you live in Western Sydney, you don’t have to find a professional Asbestos Removal company. We provide top-notch demolition services in Western Sydney and the surrounding area. Call us right now and book an appointment.

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